The other day, I decided to make Colton a pouf. Maybe you read a blog called the nester? Well the other week they did a whole post on poufs, I have had a pouf before in my life (I was in college... real furniture seemed way too expensive. poufs, on the other hand, not quite as much. and really comfy!) but it was HUGE. I am talking barely fit through a doorway huge. And so... the pouf project began. My darling husband and I went to the fabric store, found a medium-weight fabric at an acceptable price (luckily he was there... I would have picked a different one at double the price. and this one turned out FABULOUS!) and bought a zipper to go along with it. When we got home, I was just too darn excited to wait and so I went straight to work creating a pattern for this pouf. I wanted it simple but sturdy. Since it's for the play room, it didn't need to be fancy, but I did want it to be cute. It took about 5 hours for the whole thing, including figuring out a pattern, and this is how it turned out:
Lola thought it was for her. Silly cat!
But it was really for Colton, who has decided this is where he will drink his bottle now. :)
And so Brad and I got to chatting. And looking these up on Etsy. There is one person who is selling a pouf similar, filled with torn foam (thats the best way.. its extra comfortable that way) and she is charging $195 + $40 shipping. I can't imagine she is selling that many of them! Other than that, many people are selling bean bags anywhere from $75 (these are pretty small) to $150ish for the larger ones. Seems pricey, right? So then we thought.. why not sell poufs? I will probably be able to make one in less than 4-5 hours now that I have a pattern... hopefully! And so my Etsy shop has begun. It only has one thing, and I am still trying to figure out the banner. I created a tag for my poufs:

So friends. As part of being my valued bloggie friends (okay, most of you I am related to.) If you order a pouf, etsy convo me, let me know you saw my blog, and I will create a personal listing for you using the fabric we will pick out, and give you 20% off. (As soon as I figure out how to do all those things. I am sure just attempting it will work, right?)
Feel free to send this deal onto your own friends and family if they want one!
PS. my husband is stoked. he was all for this. I am not sure I have seen him as excited as he was on Sunday (when we were discussing etsy) in a long time. So hopefully this works out! :)
Lots of love to you all!
Awesome, Jess! Here's to two successful new Etsy shops!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun endeavor! Our husbands sound similar :) Your pouf is awesome!