Saturday, January 29, 2011
Big Baby!
We had Colton's 4 month checkup on Friday and guess what... Colton is 15 pounds and 3 ounces, and he is 27.5 inches long! WOW! We also started giving him a little bit of rice cereal.. which he hated. We have a friend who said her baby hated it as well but if they mixed a tiny bit of baby veggies in it he didn't mind it, so we tried that. And he loves it. And we have given him rice cereal with baby squash in it for the past several days, and one day of just baby squash. He opens his mouth so wide every time he sees an incoming bite and is really starting to get the hang of swallowing the food. I took a video of it so here it is! (I know it's not a super exciting video, but we love it)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Funny Baby
Occasionally, Colton gets in these moods where he sad cries whenever someone kisses him on the head. It's so cute... Brad and I actually enjoy these cries and finally caught it on video to share with everyone!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Christmas In KS

The first 5 days were spent with my family. Both of my parents were able to take off work. My family is so fun-- my mom and dad decided that while Brad, Colton, me, and Megan were all staying at their house, we needed to have some fun things to do. So they got this puzzle:

not too hard, right? We finished it in a couple of hours, it went pretty well with 4 of us working on it. Megan isn't into puzzles so she didn't really do it. Well, since it went well and we didn't ever get "stuck" we all felt pretty proud of ourselves- we were feeling confident with our intelligence and our puzzle-solving abilities, so we went to The Toy Store in Topeka (PS-best toy store ever) and found ourselves another puzzles. A 1500 piece puzzle. This one had a staircase, two sides of a building, lots flowers, and lots of sky. Stupidest. Idea. Ever. This puzzle took us over a week with 5 people working on it. I swear I went 2 days, staring at the puzzle several hours both days, without finding where a single piece went. Yes, my confidence in my puzzle ability was completely shattered. Maybe someday it will return, and I will try again. Maybe someday.
Guess what my parents got me for Christmas? A Flip. So fun, right? Secretly I think this is a present for them - they want me to video MANY MANY things in Coltons life (and mine, I think) so that they don't miss out on a single milestone while living so far away. I'm pretty excited. Hopefully I can soon figure out how to upload vids to this blog, I just got a really cute clip of Colton rolling over. I have been trying for weeks to get it video'd (on my phone, not my Flip.. this is much better quality!) but I was always too late. But alas-I have one. And I am stoked.
Well Christmas came.. and went.. and on Christmas Day we switched to spend time with Brads family. Now let me tell you a story. This was the very first time I have said goodbye to my family while having no idea when I will see them again. I didn't realize it would be so hard, but it really was. And so, of course, my blubbering self had a bad attitude about this whole switch thing. Don't get me wrong- i abso-freaking-lutely love my in-laws. I think I probably have the best in-laws I could have asked for. That being said, I was a grump the first day I was there. As I started realizing that I was inhibiting myself from having fun, and enjoying myself.. I started trying to change my attitude but it was so difficult! Eventually, I went up to our room (Well, Brads parents room, but they graciously had us sleep there so we would have more room for the pack-n-play, and we'd have our own bathroom) and prayed. It was that "I know I need my attitude to change but it's so bad that I'm not sure I really want it to change" kind of attitude during the prayer, but nonetheless God was faithful and within 5 minutes I was a new person. And thank the Lord because I had a BLAST there that I would have missed out on otherwise! The small town they live in is the cutest town- they have the best antique store I have ever been in, and it's not because of the antiques. The whole store is covered in fun decorations and glittery things and purses and paintings and statues and candle holders and pretty much anything you could want.
PS-have you ever seen those commercials for the GelPro mat? You can get them at Bed Bath & Beyond and if you ever have the chance to purchase one, I say go for it. They make doing dishes so much easier because standing there is way more comfortable. Thank you, Jo (Brads mom) for being so thoughtful and increasing my desire to do dishes! I know Brad really appreciates it! :)
Well now we are back. Colton was so spoiled during this trip home. He was constantly held - played with - talked to - etc. and so on Monday, Brads first day back working, we had a very rough day. Colton protested it being just the 2 of us by screaming for about 5 hours and refusing to eat. But ever since then things have been better. Also- we were so worried that the weird schedules that travelling always incurs would challenge Coltons amazing sleeping habits, but they sure didnt and he continued to sleep 9 or 10 hours every night. And now that we are home that amount has increased to 11 or 12. Seriously by the time he wakes up in the morning I really do miss him. I have considered waking him up once because I just wanted to play with him. But I didn't, I decided to try and enjoy that time I had to get a few things done.
Lots of love to you!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Christmas Recap!
Well... how many times will I say this? I am bad at keeping up with my blog. Again.. it has been about a month since my last post. BUT here is a recap of our Christmas time:
Brad and I did our family Christmas before we headed to KS. We took an evening and had a wonderful dinner of Ham Steak, green bean casserole, and biscuits. I had to reign myself in and not make too much food because we didn't have enough time to eat very many left-overs before moving. But, for never making ham steak before, I would have to say it turned out very delicious! After dinner we had our own present unwrapping.. but of course most of our presents were with Colton! He only cried during part of the unwrapping, silly baby.
this was before present wrapping:
Colton was not paying attention to the gifts, silly boy!
Miley wanted to be included
what could it be?!
Colton got a pillow pet!
After present opening, we made ourselves some delicious hot chocolate (from my XMas Keurig, of course) piled into the car and searched for Christmas lights. We were quite disappointed by the lights that we found, apparently people here don't get into the light decorating like I am used to in KS, or we dont know where to find those that do. It was a fun evening searching though.
My time limit is about to expire, so I will have to recap our Christmas travels sometime soon (hopefully tomorrow... but not likely being as the Saints game is not televised so my husband will be listening the radio broadcast online)
Lots of love
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