In honor of Valentine's Day, here is a picture montage showing "our story". I hope you enjoy!
Brad and I when we first started dating. Weren't we just so adorable? I was 21 and Brad was 24 (I think), in December 2007!

We were so in love right from the start!
This is us at a military ball.. Sorry the picture quality is bad, I forgot my camera so this was taken on my phone! LOL.

BRAD PROPOSED in September of 2009! What a beautiful ring huh? :)
And we got married! It was a super small wedding planned in about a week! But it was beautiful and I wouldn't trade our small private ceremony for anything (Although I did get the big fairy tale wedding after the deployment!)
My parents took some couple photos of us together before Brad deployed. Isn't this beautiful?
One of the saddest days of my whole life.. the day I said goodbye to my husband knowing I wouldn't see him for a year. :(

this is Brad in Iraq. I lived for pictures of him, but got very few.


can you feel the excitement in our faces? Amanda was just there for moral support for me :) Her husband came home about a week later!

Shortly after Brad came home... I GOT PREGNANT! So here we are at the MPCCC02-10 military banquet, while I was 6 months pregnant.

And here we are with our beautiful baby at Christmas this year.

What a whirlwind! We have been together for a little over 3 years now and some days I can't believe that it has only been 3 years, I can't imagine my life with anyone else. Brad and I fit together perfectly and I am so in love with him, even more so now that we have a baby. I didn't think it would be possible to love him more.
Love the picture story! Hope y'all are doing well!