Hello, folks. How was your mother's day? Mine was well, thank you.
Brad woke me up with the smell of sausage and pancakes. MMM... so delicious. Quite a wonderful change from my normal cereal morning :)
We had a baby dedication at Church. Where the pastor called me Jennifer. And I decided not to correct him, we only know a small handful of people there (seriously like 3) so nobody would have noticed his slip. And Brad and I giggled under our breaths about it.
But it was beautiful. And something I desperately wanted to do. Every night as I rock Colton I pray that he would grow to know the Lord in such a real and meaningful way. I pray that he would thirst for the Lord and live for Him. Everything else seems so trivial compared to this - and so this is my daily prayer for him. And this is why the baby dedication meant so much to me. Of all things I could pray for him (health, happiness, successfulness, contentedness, etc.) this one is of eternal importance, and this one takes care of all others. And so I pray for him - I beg the Lord to get his grasp on Colton early - to never let go - to put people in his life that will point him towards Jesus - to help Brad and I to be shining lights of who the Lord is and how to trust Him as we parent Colton - and I have faith, I believe, I trust that since this prayer is in His will, it will be answered.
And after Church, Brad made me lunch. Okay - he made me a chicken salad sandwhich, with the chicken salad I had made the day before. But the point is, I didn't have to make it for us. He assembled the lunch, set the table, and let me be lazy. The rest of the day was spent laughing with Colton, going on a walk, hanging out, playing games, etc. And definitely not worrying about how I hadn't cleaned at all. Brad did the dishes and we decided that the house could wait and we would spend the day just enjoying our little family of 3. It was oh so perfect.
I didn't even have to make dinner. Brad ordered Pizza Hut. My husband is so good to me.
I forgot the best part.
I didn't have to change even one diaper the whole day.
Not that I really mind changing diapers, but since it has become such a part of every day life, it was nice to remember what it was like to not look at poop every day. And know that I will be there again and will probably miss it when I am. That is probably when it will be time to consider trying for another, I suppose. :)
Oh, and I got flowers. Which I never get flowers. They were so unexpected because i got them on Friday.
Seriously yall... I have the best husband in the world. Ever. And he gave me the best mother's day. I know it wasn't lavish but it was exactly what I wanted - a day to enjoy being the family of 3 that we are. A day to not worry about the house or what we'll eat.
I will leave you with some pictures. :)
On our way to Church for the baby dedication. Such a happy baby!

Right after Church. Man what a good lookin' man I've got. :)

I wanted a kissing picture... and this is how it went. He's so funny.

Colton and I on our back deck.

These are my flowers! They are beautiful aren't they?

That's all for now. See you next time bloggity world!