Well I am trying something new - a linky party called "High Five Friday" - which, as I understand it, is 5 highlights of your week. I think (I hope) this will get my tush back in gear and update this bloggity way more often than I actually do! At least it will give me a good excuse to have a bit o' randomness in my posts :)
So here goes. In no particular order:
1. We did Christmas early this year. We will not be in our house in Christmas morning, we will be travelling, and we have all our gifts to each other and Colton wrapped and under the tree so last night, we threw caution to the wind and opened everything! (Santa, please forgive our naughty behavior!) It was super fun to be a little spontaneous with Christmas! And even MORE fun to watch Colton love his gifts. The big thing we got him was this awesome pirate ship water table (YES, its december!). He was really really enjoying playing with it while Brad was putting it together, even without water! So we set it up in our garage and put a couple inches of water in it, and he had a ball. I loved watching him and can't wait for the weather to be warm enough to set it up on our back porch and hang out in the sunshine all. day. long. I know.. it's Texas.. that will probably happen in March! :)
2. We are in the process of making sure everything we own fits in our house (its so hard changing houses!) but we have gotten rid of, thanks to Craigslist, several things we decided we don't need in this home and won't use. PHEW. It feels so good to start getting our garage ready to be a garage and not a place to store furniture that we won't need here! (Bye-bye old TV stand and old TV!) Only a few more things to sell and we will be cleared out! I also just recently took a large box of donations to the Good Will. I suppose I should have done that while in NC, that way it wouldnt have had to be moved all the way to TX. Oh well, live and learn!
3. I have been making a family cook book for my husbands mothers family and I am almost done! I have even tried a few of the recipes that were sent to me to include and LOVE them so far! I can't wait to have the rest of them in. I was hoping to get it distributed by XMas, but that is looking unlikely now... But I really think it will be in the mail to everyone by Thursday this week (that is my goal) and so people should receive them right after Christmas. I hope they enjoy them as much as I will! It has been more work than I might have expected it would be, but definitely worth it!
4. Colton is obsessed with the Christmas tree and all of the ornaments. I have found ornaments in every random place because he steals them and hides them, silly boy! We have all of the nice, dont want them broken/lost ones up high. But the ones that are low enough to reach, he will take off the tree and walk around with one in each hand, banging them together. A few have been broken this way, but as long as I am watching him and making sure he doesn't get hurt I am okay with it. He just loves the ornaments so much!
(I saved the best one for last!)
5. We had a sonogram on Tuesday evening and found out.................. ITS A GIRL! I can hardly believe it! We are so excited to have a baby girl joining our family. I know that God has picked her out especially for our family and it will be so much fun to meet her in April, watch Colton play with her and interact with her, and just to generally love on her. I have been crocheting a blanket for her these past few days and I learned how to crochet little flowers, which are quite adorable. Thank you youtube tutorials! :) After Christmas, I will definitely be getting down to the business of figuring out her room. Right now it is storing everything Colton has out-grown - clothes, blankets, burp rags, baby swing, vibratey seat, baby carriers, nursing cover, etc. etc. etc. But I will need to organize it and figure out what is gender neutral enough to use for baby girl! I think almost everything but the crib bedding and the clothes will be, luckily!
Well that's all. Link on up!
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