Sunday, January 29, 2012

01/29/12: Blessings

First off: Happy Birthday, Kansas! We love you a lot and do miss your rolling prairies and amazing spring thunderstorms. And, of course, we miss the people there as well! :)

Some of these blessings may sound like a stretch, but if "every good and perfect thing comes from above" (James 1:17), then maybe they aren't stretches, just not as obvious? :) Colton and I have had the sickies for a little over a week now, so we have been confined to our house for the most part, and haven't done too much. But here we go:

-I have a little boy who is 100% not into anything snuggley: no cuddles, no long hugs, no leaning against me and reading a book or watching a cartoon, nada. BUT when I have a sick little boy, the usual 5 minute time span of wanting to read with me, will turn into a 30 minute time span. I always love to read with him, so every day I attempt reading at least 5 or 6 times (Okay.. some days its actually more like 12), but 5 minutes is about all I can get out of him. I cherish those 5 minute time spans, and hope that one day he will enjoy it more consistently. This week, has been SUCH a blessing. I have not gotten to hold him like that, for that amount of time, in many, many months. And I ate. it. up. We got through several "peter rabbit" books, the whole "old testament Bible stories" book he was given for his birthday, and the pop-up farm board book that is his favorite. It almost makes all the coughing and sniffling worth it. Almost. :)

-Even with two sickies in the house, breathing and coughing everywhere, Brad has not gotten sick! I know his immune system has got to be better than a pregnant woman and a one year old, but it astonishes me that he hasn't caught this. I am so thankful! He gets up so early every day, around 4:45 or 5:00am, to get to PT, that any time he has a cold he gets run down so fast. I prayed and prayed that he wouldn't catch this, and so far the Lord has answered that prayer and granted Brad health! Thank you, Jesus!

-On Monday, we had our 2-week ear infection check-up to see if it is all gone, and it's not. Colton has been put on a stronger antibiotic and hopefully that one will work better than the amoxicillin did. I have no way of telling, since it has not really seemed to bother him at all. During that appointment, the Doctor suggested quitting the paci because it has already started to have an affect on his teeth. (EEEK!) She showed me how it is affecting him, and although I had not noticed his top teeth forming around the nipple of the paci, I can definitely see it now! It isn't too bad yet, but it can get a lot worse if we don't quit soon. I know that braces are painful, not from personal experience, and am very thankful that we caught this in time to have the conviction to really stick to quitting the paci before it gets any worse. When I asked the doctor if this is at the point where theres a guarantee he will need braces, she said not yet. Phew!

-We were (once again) home Sunday morning with a boy who is too sick to be in the nursery at church, but not really all that sick. His nose still has some colored snot running out of it, and he is still coughing up phlegm. A pretty picture, right? We thought the other parents would probably not appreciate the possibility of passing this on to their kiddos. I am praying that he will be better by Tuesday so I can attend PWOC this week. I really did miss it last week! Since we have been home all day, we decided to go on a family bike ride. Nothing too long - just about 30-40 minutes, and at an easy pace, but it was really fun! We haven't gone on a family bike ride since the summer probably, and I forgot how much I enjoy it. We bundled Colton all up, (the wind here can be brutal!) but it wasn't very cold and he seemed to enjoy the scenery. I am getting to the point in my pregnancy where my belly is big enough that when I lean forward on my bike, my legs hit my belly. It is quite annoying after 5 or so minutes. I don't know how many more times we will be able to go on a family bike ride while I am pregnant, and it will be awhile after baby girl is born before she is able to sit in the bike trailer with Colton, so we will definitely be attempting a few more rides together before then. I know I said it before, but I am very thankful for this January weather! :)

-Speaking of baby girl... I am 28 weeks pregnant right now! And yes, I did just have to go to to remember. I really thought I was 26 or maybe 27. I have one pair of jeans that are non-maternity that still fit. There may be a few more, but the maternity ones are so comfortable I don't even try with the others. I do try to wear this pair frequently, because I love boots with skinny jeans, but I am refusing to purchase maternity skinny jeans. I will just quit wearing boots when these stop fitting. This may seem silly... but I feel blessed that these still fit (with a hair tie around the button, I'll admit) really well while I am 28 weeks!


This probably about sums up what has been going on this week, and how the Lord has blessed me. I will admit that at times my attitude this week has been rather poor. I would LOVE to blame it on sleep deprivation - I have been getting up 5 or 6 times a night to either pee/drink milk to curb my heart burn/blow my nose/etc. But these negativities do not compare to the love the Lord has for me. And I feel remorseful that I let a few little things get in the way of me seeing "the big picture" - So thank you, Jesus, for second chances. For a new week, a new day, a new hour, a new minute, in which to change my attitude and be more representative of the Your love, and the sacrifice You have made in order that I might have eternal life for you.

There's a song on KLOVE right now that has really been speaking to me. It's Where I Belong by Building 429, and the chorus goes like this:

All I know is I'm not home yet 

This is not where I belong 
Take this world and give me Jesus 
This is not where I belong

So when the walls come falling down on me 

And when I'm lost in the current of a raging sea 
I have this blessed assurance holding me.

 And this song echoes in my soul every time I hear it. What a wonderful reminder that this life is not all there is. I am blessed, not just because of the many things the Lord has given me, or prayers He has answered, but because of His love for me. Love that sent His only son to the cross so that I can be able to spend eternity with Him. I can have assurance that this life is not all there is. I can have peace when the sea is raging around me. I can have hope if I have a Job week. Or month. Or year. (Which I am not right now.)

Lord, prepare me please. I know that this life WILL have turmoil, and that the only way to thrive is by being held in Your hand. Help me to draw near to you during the highs of life as well as the lows.

Dear friends, I do hope your week has been blessed. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love you. We have been sick too and w avoided it. Darn good non pregnant immune systems ;)
